
Digital Reconstructions

Using modern 3D animation techniques we can visualize almost every archeological and historical situation in realistic quality. This can be for example:

  • Camera flights over reconstructed cities
  • construction phases of architecture
  • people and their typical activities
  • geological development of landscapes
  • coloration of frescoes and carvings
  • lip-sync animations


Presentation in museums or other exhibitions

By creating digital graphics, quality prints can be produced in large formats. In addition to purely reconstructed images, even juxtapositions and transitions from yesterday to today in the same perspective are conceivable.

Applications for Mobil Phones

Using modern programming techniques, animations, images, information and even 360-degree panoramas of various sites can be combined into an interactive application for mobile devices like iPhone or iPad. These can then be used by visitors as a mobile travelguide.

Interactive presentations on web sites

All above mentioned contents of exhibitions can also be integrated into an interactive website. For example, a map of archaeological sites with a virtual walk through buildings is possible.

Illustrations in print media

The high resolution of the 3D-visualizations is ideal for illustrations in magazines and books to underline information.